RR Italy kids

RR ITALY confirms the care and attention dedicated to its customers, turning this time to young audiences.

The service and courtesy with which we support constantly customers in all phases of the sale, from order to delivery and exposure are in this case directed to the new generations. A present that wants to be a message of communion between adults and children, between parents and sons to fun and play in a simple gesture: gardening. If gardening is your passion, do not exclude children from this activity, because the benefits on smaller are countless. Caring for a garden encourages them to explore and allows them to understand the real value of the land by learning to respect and consider other living beings.

Another important aspect to consider is the quality of time spent together: gardening is a wonderful way of being toge-ther, of growth for children and peace and serenity for all. It is not necessary to have large spaces, you can get good results even on a sunny balcony in order to give life to a new experience that involves young and old. Of course, the proper way to ensure that children are as close to this world without being bored is the game. They can help us to do everything: repot plants, watering plants, cleaning the weeds, remove the dried leaves. Once procured the kit to play gardeners, we are ready to start playing and grow with RR!

RR ITALIA presents a new way of
presentation for garden hoses!

A revolutionary concept of packaging could only come from a company has always been careful to the environment, the impact of its products on the environment and has always been committed to contribute using recyclable materials and even with the internal processes of recycling and disposal.

Helping the environment helps sales! The study and research RR one more reason to encourage environmentally sustainable development.
The introduction of carton packaging has been designed exclusively for an in-novative method of presentation which gives the product a considerably higher visibility, a direct impact on the consumer who receives information on the product even without the help of an operator, the possibility of touching first hand what you buy, in short a real sales support.

The innovative display is simple to set up, maximizes the amount of product displayed, communicates directly with the buyer providing a summary of the information needed to purchase, it saves time clerk for the refill. Finally the products on display which are previously stored in boxes maintain a perfect presentation safe from dust and dirt of the usual handling unopened packs as soon as produced.